Physicians' Surgery Center, Lancaster General Health
Among Lancaster, PA's most advanced and comprehensive outpatient surgical centers.

Our advanced outpatient surgical center is located adjacent to the Lancaster General Health Suburban Pavilion (formerly known as the Health Campus) at 2150 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA.

Hours of Operation
Our surgical center is open Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For Lancaster County residents that require outpatient surgery, Physicians' Surgery Center is a clear choice for top-rated surgical care. The highly-skilled surgeons that operate at the center are trained in the latest medical techniques and carry excellent practice histories.
Our modern facility allows patients in Lancaster County to receive outpatient surgery in a safe, comfortable environment, rather than a hospital setting. Our surgical center, located adjacent to Lancaster General Health campus, has six state-of-the-art surgical suites and one procedure room dedicated to pain management procedures. Individual patient rooms provide privacy for you and family members prior to and following your outpatient surgical procedure.
Over 60 physicians operate at Physicians' Surgery Center, Lancaster General Health, including doctors in the specialties of Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Urology, Plastic Surgery, General Surgery, Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat, Podiatry and Pain Management. Our partnership with Lancaster General Health means you can expect the same level of exceptional care synonymous with the hospital network.

Personalized Attention
Francis Manning, M.D. shares the qualities that make Physicians' Surgery Center Lancaster General Health a safe and advantageous choice for your outpatient surgical needs.
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